How Health Clubs can generate more revenue with SHC’s Purchases module

How Health Clubs can generate more revenue with SHC’s Purchases module

Imagine all your club services, plans, products, offerings, deals. Everything you sell. From classes to trainers to non-dues.

How are you managing all these transactions today? How are you managing your non-dues payments since they hold the maximum potential for increasing revenue?

Are you selling primarily through an already overburdened Front Desk? Or are you depending on an existing website application? How do you summarize your transactions? Do your members have the opportunity 24*7 to seize a quick deal? Register for swim camp? Without waiting for coming into the club and queuing up at the FD.

Now imagine making it easy for your members to purchase all your products and services on the Club App with 2-3 clicks.

In this article, we will talk about how we help you remove all friction between your offerings and the member’s intent to buy.

SHC’s Purchases solution will help clubs sell their Classes, Products, Services, Nutrition, and Fitness Plans directly from the App and charge members different prices based on their Membership Tier and Type. Clubs can also use this solution to sell packages for various club departments such as Class Packages, Pool Packages, and Pilates Packages.

Let’s do a deep dive into the SHC Purchases solution and specifically how it can help you generate more revenue and set you up for growth:

By giving members the ability to self-serve

Instead of queuing at the Front Desk and waiting to purchase a deal, your members will likely experience a scenario like: A push notification informs them of a new Plilates camp with a CTA at the bottom which says, BUY NOW. Clicking the BUY NOW button will take them to the relevant Purchase page on the App. The member will go through the usual purchase process and the amount will get added to their monthly bill.

By pricing anything and everything

With the Purchases solution on the SHC Platform, you can price any asset that is created on the platform. This includes –

  1. Classes – These can be priced with session based pricing.
  2. Services – Any services such as Massage, Spa, PT, Tennis can be sold using Purchases.
  3. Plans – Any Fitness or Nutrition plans created by Trainers/Dieticians can be sold using the SHC Platform.
  4. Products – Products such as Pro Shop Items, Smoothies, Equipment can be sold using the Platform.
  5. On Demand Videos – Clubs can also choose to upload and price On Demand Videos using the Platform.

By giving you the ability to set up Inventory

Clubs also have the ability to set up Inventory/Package Items in either the Billing Company or the SHC Platform to sell items at the club.

These packages can also be set up as Pools to ensure that you can have multiple pricing options for the same Class/Service with Session Balances.

In addition, you can also set up discounts and promotions using Stripe Payments allowing you to show discounted items and track them on the SHC Platform. Further, you can leverage Smart Health Club’s Marketing Campaigns solution so that you can push discounts and offers straight to your members lock screens via push notifications!

By giving you the flexibility to run all your purchases through your Billing Company

Running member purchases through the Billing Company is the default expectation of every club and rightly so. It helps maintain all accounts through the Billing Company. Because SHC is fully integrated with most of the Billing Companies such as ABC, Club Automation, Jonas, MOSO, In Charge Life, Paramount.

A club can choose this as their payment method in which case all payments made on the App will go through the Billing Company. You can continue running purchases for members and keep accounts in the Billing Company which are secure.

By giving you pricing options

SHC has its own inventory management that clubs can use to price all their assets (services, classes, plans, and products) in several different ways –

  • Volume pricing: Assets may be sold as multiple-size packages. For example, a Physical Training package of 5, 10, or 20 sessions.
  • Package or duration pricing: Assets may have limits, both on the size and duration (use it or lose it). For example, a Group Exercise class sold as a package of 5 sessions to be used within a month.

By offering differential pricing based on membership tiers, membership types and the flexibility of dynamic pricing

Differential pricing, as you would know, is your ability to charge higher or lower prices based on a membership type or a tier. For example, selling an On-demand service for a fee to Non-members, while keeping it free for members.

This gets even more interesting when you can implement dynamic pricing. Let’s say you have a Swim Camp coming up next month. You can have a lower price for people booking a month early and have a dynamic increase as the Swim Camp date gets closer.

By letting you sell to Members and Non-members using Stripe Payments

And finally you can use a combination of Billing Company and Stripe for running your payments to drive higher revenues. A great example is Tennis. Clubs can charge Members for their use of the Tennis Courts through the billing company, but can charge non-members by Stripe.

By giving you access to reports and analytics

  • Access to all transaction reports made by any of the members with details like Name of the Class/Product/Service/Plan, Amount, Status, Payment Type (Stripe or Billing Company), Date and Time.
  • If a club is using Stripe as their method of payment on the SHC Platform, they will have access to their Stripe Dashboard. Here, clubs will be able to view their Stripe Balance and Daily Payouts.

Last but not least, the SHC Purchases solution can work in perfect sync with the SHC Marketing Campaigns Solution to help you target and promote your offers, deals and discounts to the right people using push notifications, emails, and other channels. Read more about this here.

To sum up, you want more from your Club platform than just a branded app and a calendar. Smart Health Club’s Purchases solution enables your members to purchase your products and services with ease, and work like a revenue generation platform. And it gives you the flexibility to set up your pricing, packages, services to meet your club’s specific requirements.

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    Active users per club
    Average bookings per day per club
    App launches, per club, every day
    Rating on Apple and Google
